Laurentum helps you sponsor organizations and reach your target customers at scale.
Search 1000s of organizations
We make searching our marketplace simple with categories and demographic data. Find organizations that work with your target demographic.
No more time wasted on contracts
Save weeks of back and forth negotiating with individual partners. Sign one contract with Laurentum and you're covered.
Marketing that scales
Laurentum makes finding and managing sponsorships simple using our campaign and milestone tool.
Stand out with a partner
How do you compete with up to 10,000 ads per day?
Sponsorships have always been a way to create impactful marketing that stands out from the competition, but they've been expensive and time consuming to launch.
How it works
Create your account
It takes 5 minutes to create your account
Create a campaign
Add all the assets needed for your campaign and set milestones that all your partners will have to meet.
Buy sponsorship oppotunities
Search our marketplace of 1000s of organizations with pre-priced packages.
Approve delivered Milestones
Organizations are only paid when they successfully deliver campaign milestones
Sponsoring is too difficult
Partnership teams spend months identifying potential partners, negotiating deals , and ensuring they're executed. It should be much easier.